
What are our course offerings, our prospectus, the academic calendar? Here are also some answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

General Education Course offerings include:

• Critical Perspective in the Arts (ARTS 1)

• Philippine Arts and Culture (PHILARTS1)

BA English Creative writing Core course offerings include:

• Survey of english Literature I (ENG 21)

• Survey of english Literature II (ENG 22)

• Introduction to Shakespeare (ENG 23)

• Survey of American Literature II (ENG 42)

• The Short Story (CL 111)

• Poetry (CL 113)

• Drama (CL 114)

• Creative Nonfiction (CL 115)

• Creative Approaches to Literature I (CL 121)

• Critical Approaches to Literature II (CL 122)

• The Literature of the Philippines in English I (CL 151)

• The Literature of the Philippines in English II (CL 152)

• Research (CL 199)

• Introduction to Creative Writing (CW 100)

• Research Project in Creative Writing (CW 200a)

• Thesis (CW 200b)

BA English Creative Writing Major courses include but are not limited to:

• Creative Writing through Other Art Forms (CW 102)

• Fiction I (CW 110)

• Fiction II (CW 111)

• Poetry I (CW 120)

• Poetry II (CW 121)

• Playwriting (CW 130)

• Playwriting II (CW 131)

• Essay I - II (CW 140 -141)

• Writing for Children I (CW 150)

• Writing for Children II (CW 151)

• Non-fiction Narratives I (CW 160)

• Non-fiction Narratives II (CW 161)

• Musical Drama I (CW 170)

• Musical Drama II (CW 171)

• Special Problems (CW 198)

Qualified Literature Elective offerings included. But are not limited to:

• Survey of American Literature I (ENG 41)

• Beowulf to Chaucer (ENG 122)

• Sixteenth Century Literature (ENG 123)

• Seventeenth Century Literature (ENG 124)

• Dryden to Johnson (ENG 125)

• Wordsworth to Scott (ENG 127)

• The Victorians(Eng 129)

• Early Twentieth Century British Literature (ENG 131)

• Current Twentieth Century American Literature (ENG 132)

• Early Twentieth Century American Literature (ENG 143)

• Anglo-American Science Fiction (ENG 146)

• The Tradition of women’s Writing in Anglo-American Literature (ENG 147)

• Asian Voices in Anglo-American Literature (ENG 148)

• Selected Topics (ENG 195)

• Survey of European Literature (CL 30)

• Survey of Asian Literature (CL 40)

• Survey of Philippine Literature (CL 50)

• Survey of Third World Literature (CL 53)

• Survey of Emergent Literature (CL 56)

• Introduction to Comparative Literature (CL 105)

• Literature, Politics, and Social Changes (CL 106)

• Literature and the Natural Sciences (CL 107)

• Literature and Gender (CL 108)

• Literature and Behavioral Natural Sciences (CL 110)

• Major Traditions in European Literature I (CL 117)

• Major Traditions in European Literature II (CL 118)

• Non-Western Literary Criticism (CL 123)

• The Literature of Ancient Civilization (CL 132)

• The Literature of Medieval and REnaissance Europe (CL 133)

• Modern European Literature (CL 143)

• Literature of Contemporary Europe (CL 135)

• European Drama (CL 138)

• The Literature of the Near and Middle East (CL 140)

• The Literature of South Asia (CL 141)

• Literature of Southeast Asia I (CL 142)

• Literature of Southeast Asia II (CL 143)

• The Literature of China (CL 144)

• The Literature of Japan (CL145)

• Third World Fiction (CL 147)

• Third World Drama (CL 148)

• Third World Poetry (CL 149)

• Philippine Women Writers in English (CL 153)

• The Literature of Africa (CL 160)

• The Literature of Latin America (CL 166)

• Folk Literature (CL 170)

• Popular Culture (CL 171)

• Children’s Literature (CL 172)

• Western Feminist Theories and Literary Practices (CL 182)

• Non-Western Feminist Theories and Literary Practices (CL 183)

• Gay Writing (CL 184)

• Literary Translation (CL 185)

• Seminar: Approaches to Comparative Literature (CL 191)

• Selected Topics (CL 198)

Qualified English Language Elective Offerings include, but are not limited to:

• Expository Writing (ENG 5)

• Study of English Language (ENG 100

) • Development of the English Language (ENG 102)

• Levels of English Language Use (ENG 104)

• English Phonology and Morphology (ENG 116)

• English Syntax (ENG 117)

• English Semantics (ENG 118)

• English Discourse (ENG 119)

• Stylistics (ENG 120)

• Writing for the Professions (ENG 157)

• Approaches to a College English Program (ENG 191)

• Research (Langlauge) (ENG 199)

Academic Calendar



Where is UP Mindanao?

UP Mindnanao is located in Barangay Mintal of Davao City, Davao del Sur. For a map going to the campus, please refer to the official website of the University of the Philippines Mindanao.

What are the Requirements for Admission?

Prospective students are required to be graduates of accredited senior high schools and must pass the University of the Philippines College Admission test (UPCAT).
Students who wish to transfer from other schools or shift from other programs within the university must submit the following:

- An application letter to the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator

-A Creative portfolio consisting of:
-Three (3) short poems/verses or one (1) long poem or verse with a maximum of five [5] pages maximum
- One (1) prose work, either short story or essay with a minimum of ten (10) pages.

A copy of Grades that shows good academic standing

- Applications will be evaluated by the program faculty members which will refer the accepted students to the Office of the University Registrar and/or the College Secretary.
- Inbound foreign exchange students will be evaluated by the Department’s instruction committee which will make an endorsement to the Department chair.


What is the Retention Requirement?

Once admitted to the program, students must maintain an average of 2.5 in Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, and English Courses in the first academic year.

What are the job opportunities for the graduates of BA English?

The BA English program trains students to become critical and creative thinkers who are skilled not just in the production of creative works but also in the practice of the English language in the global setting.

BA English graduates now work as lawyers, business process outsourcing specialists, medical transcribers, information officers, public relations writers, copywriters, teachers, scriptwriters, technical writers, journalists, marketing communication specialists, and authors or editors of books and magazines.


■ Marketing Communication Specialist
■ Medical Transcriber
■ Blurbologist
■ Editor / Copy Editor
■ Copywriter / Content Writer
■ Researcher
■ English Instructor
■ Freelance Writer
■ PR Writer
■ Information Officer
■ Novelist
■ Children’s Books Writer
■ Technical Writer
■ Scriptwriter
■ Lifestyle / Feature Writer
■ Customer Service Representative

What is the UPCAT?

The University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) is the official admission test of the entire UP System. Applicants who wish to enter the BA English program as new students (students who have not taken any undergraduate units and have graduated from accredited senior high schools), must first pass the UPCAT.

For more information regarding the UPCAT (how to apply, announcements, etc.) please visit the website of the UP Office of Admissions through this link: